Puerto Rico en Mi Corazón

“Where my Dreaming and My Loving Live: Poetry and the Body”
A collaboration with CANTOMUNDO, the editors of PUERTO RICO EN MI CORAZÓN, and the POETRY COALITION

Canto Mundo, a national organization for Latinx poets, has collaborated with Puerto Rico en Mi Corazón to curate this online feature of Puerto Rican poets and broadsides of their poems. All proceeds from the sales of the broadsides will be benefit Taller Salud, a feminist-based community organization in Puerto Rico that works towards the health and well-being of girls, adolescents and adult women in communities with limited resources.

Our collaboration is made possible by the Poetry Coalition, a national alliance of organizations dedicated to promoting the value that poets and poetry bring to our culture. We are honored to contribute to the Poetry Coalition’s 2018 shared programming theme, “Where My Dreaming and My Loving Live: Poetry & the Body,” with a focus on the embodied struggles and aspirations captured by Puerto Rican poets as they document and dream beyond this moment of devastation.

Each week for the next three weeks we will feature two Puerto Rican poets along with translations and broadsides of their poems. We invite you to support their work and the place they call home. To purchase broadsides please visit our online store.

Editors’ Introduction

A poem by Joey De Jesusto purchase this broadside click here.

A poem by Yara Liceagato purchase this broadside click here.

A poem by Vincent Toro — to purchase this broadside click here.

A poem by Cindy Jiménez-Vera — to purchase this broadside click here.

A poem by Ana Portnoy  

#PoetryCoalition #CantoMundo #PRemC #PuertoRicoenMiCorazón #MyDreamingMyLoving #PoetsforPuertoRico